Hi there!
There is long time since my last post. Why? Because I am procrastinator person. Do you know the concept? A friend of mine explained me what it is and I feel identified at once.
Procrastination is the tendency to the deferment (to postpone) of actions or tasks to a later time. Procrastinators have difficulties to put themselves at work, most of all if there is not an immediate gratification.
It is a psychological mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or completing any task or decision. The word comes from the Latin pro = forward and crastinus = of tomorrow. If it is chronic may be a sign of a psychological or physiological disorder (fortunately is not my case!)
The interesting thing is that most of the people affected by procrastination are also ‘perfectionists’. As it is nearly impossible to do things perfectly, afraid of doing something imperfect, they don’t do anything. On the contrary, they can start doing many activities frenetically, just if they have any relation with the difficult task If you are interested inknowing more, there are good definitions in Wikipedia.
Now that you all know what procrastinate is, don't you find the Tshirt funny (haha)??
Do you recognise yourself in the description? No? Good for you! Yes? Welcome to the club!